FILM FILINGS 10/19/2023
In this editon: Jordan Poss review’s 2023’s The Lost King; Chris Witty reviews The Wolf Man classic; Sam Stephens reviews John Huston’s last film, The Dead; Nathan Gilmore reviews Martin Scorsese’s 2016 film Silence.

Film Filings: Doctor Zhivago; British Film Noir; El Norte; The Madness of the King George

The Passion of Joan of Arc
This 1928 biographical film remains a landmark in cinema history as it continues to evoke strong emotion and reflection in those who experience Joan of Arc’s real life trial and execution at the hands of her captors.

Chris Witty takes us through all the films of John Carpenter: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sam Stephens previews an extended excerpt from a David Lean essay; We preview Jordan Poss’s extensive analysis of the new All Quiet On the Western Front; Nathan Gilmore reviews Mizoguchi’s “Ugetsu”.

This edition of Film Filings is four film reviews, and a special invitation to those cinephiles out there who have seen--or wish to see--the astounding silent film masterpiece 'The Passion of Joan of Arc'. We are looking for thoughtful and well-written short reviews to publish this coming May. See 'Film Filings' article for full details.

This edition of Film Filings covers: a Jean Renoir theater experience at Nashville’s Belcourt Theater, my film-viewing habits of the last four months, an excursion in British Folk Horror with Christopher Witty in the U.K., Nathan Gilmore’s reviews of two European classics, and a peek at a cool film that is now in production!